الخميس، 14 أكتوبر 2010

Popularity AND Ccraziness 

عظماء.. لكن مجانين !!

سلفادور دالي :
ألم يكن شيخ المجانين ؟ و شنبه المقوس عنوانه للجنون … 

تشارلز ديكنز :
كاتب روائي انجليزي كان يحمل معه بوصلة لأنه لا ينام إلا ورأسه باتجاه الشمال … 


اينشتاين :
كان يكره النظام في حياته و يقال انه غادر مختبره يوماُ و علق على الباب عبارة ( غيرموجود الآن و سأعود بعد قليل )  
و عندما عاد لمكتبه قرأ العبارة و قال ( حسناُ سأعود إليه بعد قليل ) 

تولستوي : 
صاحب روايتي ( الحرب و السلام ) و ( آنا كارنينا) انفق أمواله على الترف 
و في نهاية عمره قام بتوزيع أمواله وأراضيه على المزارعين و الفقراء ... 

فولتير :
لا يكتب إلا إذا وضع مجموعة من أقلام الرصاص أمامه ...
وبعد الانتهاء من الكتابه كان يحطم الأقلام ويضعها تحت وسادته وينام ..

بلزاك :
كان إذا سار بشارع فإنه يسجل أرقام المنازل في ورقة ثم يجمع الأرقام فإذا كان المجموع 
مضاعفا للرقم 3 ينتابه فرح شديد و إذا لم يكن المجموع كذلك فإنه لا يسير به مرة أخرى .

توماس اديسون :
صاحب آلاف الإختراعات..
منها المصباح المتوهج كان مصابا بضعف الذاكرة لدرجة انه قد ينسى اسمه أحياناً..

لينين :
كان شخصية شاذة ومعقدة عابس و كالح الوجه ..
يعيش في بساطة وخشونة و يرفض الجلوس على كرسي مريح أو أن توضع الزهور على مكتبه ..
وكان يكره الموسيقى لأنه كان يعتقد أنها تورث الرحمة ،, ويعتبر العداوة كامنة في النفوس
لهذا كان يحذر من التربيت على رؤوس الناس ..!!
ومن غرائبه أيضاً أنه كان يحتفظ بساعته متأخرة ربع ساعة ..!!

آرتر شوبنهاور 
و هو أحد الفلاسفة و المفكرين , كان مصاباً بِجنون العظمة و عقدة الاضطهاد ، 
و يعتقد أنه ملاحق بِاستمرار و أن هناك مؤامرات تُحاك ضده لِتقتله ،
و كان يُقارن نفسه بِالمسيح و يُعتبر أنه مبعوث لِهداية البشر ، 
و أنه رجل الحقيقة الواحدة في العالم !
كما كان يرفض السكن في الطابق الثاني أو الثالث 
خشية أن يحصل حريق فلا يستطيع القفز ..
و كان يحمل مسدساً يضع يده عليه كلما سمع صوتاً لأنه هناك قادماً لاغتياله ..

الشرق في لوحات غربية

 الشرق في لوحات غربية
مثل الشرق دوما اغراء
للعديد من رسامي الغرب
لقد مثل الشرق سحرانيه وعالما جديدا
عالما لم تالفه العين
فغدا الشرق قبلة اليها يتوق القلب والريشة
هذه بعض من اللوحات التي رسمها غربيون
يعتبرون من اكبر المبدعين في الغرب في الفن التشكيلي

اولا: جان ليون جيروم

عربي يشتري لجام
Arab Buying a Bridle
(Arabe Achetant une Bride)
Jean-Léon Gérôme

مقهي في القاهرة
A Café in Cairo
(Un Café au Caire)
Jean-Léon Gérôme

عرب يعبرون الصحراء
Arabs crossing the desert
(Arabes Traversant le Désert)
Jean-Léon Gérôme

فتاة مصرية
Egyptian Girl
(Jeune Fille Égyptienne)
Jean-Léon Gérôme

سيدة جركسية بخمار
Veilled Circassian Lady
(Femme Circassienne Voilée)
Jean-Léon Gérôme

سائس كلب
A Dog Handler
(Un Valet de Chiens)
Jean-Léon Gérôme

ارناوطيين يلعبون الشطرنج
Arnauts Playing Chess
(Arnautes Jouant aux
Jean-Léon Gérôme

صلاة في القاهرة
Prayer in Cairo
(La Prière au Caire)
Jean-Léon Gérôme

المؤذن يدعوا الى الصلاة
The Muezzin - Call to Prayer
(Le muezzin)
Jean-Léon Gérôme

تاجر الاقمشة القديمة في القاهرة
The Old Clothes Merchant at
(Vieux Marchant d'Habits au
Jean-Léon Gérôme

الحريم في السرادق
The Harem in the Pavilion
(Le Harem dans le Kiosque)
Jean-Léon Gérôme

المؤذن يدعوا المؤمنين الى الصلاة
A Muezzin Calling the
Faithful to Prayer
(Un Muezzin Appelant du
Haut du Minaret les Fidèles
à la Prière)
Jean-Léon Gérôme

امرأة من البربر
'Berber Woman'
by Emile Vernet-Lecomte, French. Oil, 1870

حجاج في طريقهم الى مكة
'Pilgrims going to Mecca'
by Leon Belly, French. Oil, 1861

فتاة مصريه مع فراشة
'Egyptian girl with a butterfly'
by Leopold Carl Muller, Viennese. Oil, 1885

'Fumee d'Ambre Gris'
by John Singer Sargent, American. Oil, 1880

تفصيل من لوحة الدروايش الدائرون
Detail from 'The Whirling Dervishes'
by Jean-Leon Gerome, French. Oil, 1899

الاصيل في الجزائر
'Afternoon in Algiers' by Frederick Arthur Bridgman, American. Oil

'The meal' by Rudolph Ernst, Austrian. Oil, 1900

امرأة من الشرق مع ابنتها
'Oriental Woman and her Daughter' by Narcisse Diaz, French. Oil, 1865

عديلة هانم

'Adile Hanim' by Amadeo Preziosi, Italian. Watercolor, 1854

تجار السلاح
Arms Dealers
by Giulio Rosati, Italian. Watercolor

نساء الجزائر في غرفهن
'Women of Algiers in their Room'
by Eugene Delacroix, French. Oil, 1834

'Lilium Auratum'
by John Frederick Lewis, British. Watercolor, 1871

الشتاء في فارس
'Winter in Persia'
by Jules Laurens, French. Oil, 1848

تفصيل من لوحة عروس تصل الى القرية
'Bride arriving in a village, Biskra, Algeria'
by Philippe Pavy, French. Oil, 1889
اللوحة الكاملة 

'The Moroccan'
by Lucien Levy-Dhurmer, Algerian. Oil, 1900

'A Bashi-Bazouk' by Jean-Leon Gerome, French. Oil, 1869

ساحر الافاعي
'The Snake Charmer'
by Etienne Dinet, French. Oil, 1889

'The Reception'
by Frederick John Lewis, British. Oil, 1873

السبت، 4 سبتمبر 2010


Once upon a time, in the mid-15th century in Yemen, a Sufi man who went by the name of Eid discovered coffee beans, learned how to turn them into a beverage by boiling in water, and taught that to his followers. Ever since then, Sufis have taken over the job of spreading this beverage throughout the Islamic world.

  No matter how strongly religious Muslim leaders, who were later followed by medical academies in Europe, tried to keep this beverage from spreading, it always managed to find allies for itself, especially in the Sufis who found out that it helped them perform their rituals. As for the Kanakah, the pot in which coffee is boiled, it's a Turkish design that looks like a Sufi dancing and twirling in his flaring garments. Since the Ottoman era, when Kanakahs were made from gold even in common coffeehouses, this design gradually spread far and wide. Turkish coffee became the standard throughout the East and, until not too long ago, there was no other way of making coffee. In essence, the Turkish method is actually attributed to the design of the Kanakah itself, which consists of a wide base and a narrow neck, as if it resembles a Sufi's waist. This design is what produces that condensed surface layer, a distinguishing feature of Turkish coffee which was not known before the realization of this design. Previously, coffee was made by boiling the ground seeds in a container that looks like an Arabian Dellah, or a pot which a coffee-man carried and walked around with in marketplaces, offering it in cups along with tobacco Shisha (argyles).  

    A Kanakah has three parts made of yellow brass: the base, which has a round shape; the body, which consists of a rectangular piece molded according to the desired shape and size and welded with silver to the round base; and then the narrow neck, which is shaped and wrought until it takes the required form. At the end, the handle, which is typically made of copper or wood, is soldered to the ensemble, followed by bleaching the inside of the Kanakah by tin bleach, giving it a silvery look from the inside, while a copper polish of its outer surface will suffice. It may or may not be decorated. The Kanakah was often imported from Istanbul. Nowadays, however, it's mostly made of aluminum due to high copper prices. These days, a Kanakah-maker doesn't go through all that trouble -- he merely produces a round piece of copper or aluminum, shapes it on a lathe which has an iron template of the required shape, then comes the polishing and handle attachment without any solders. Kanakahs come in different sizes. Some of them can hold only one cup, others take up to ten cups, and it's the skillful coffee-maker who can pour the ten cups and make sure they all have a Wesh(the surface layer) -- that is the first test a coffeehouse owner would put a new worker through, since serving coffee without a wesh is unacceptable to some people, who believe that it's the source of good coffee flavor. The design of the Kanakah neck itself helps keep the wesh, as it preserves just enough of it for the last cup.

الجمعة، 30 يوليو 2010

10 ways that men show womans their love

1. He Opens Up
Emotional intimacy isn't easy for anyone, so if he's baring his soul to you, it's not because he likes hearing himself talk…alright, not just because he likes hearing himself talk.

2. He Does the Dirty Work
Taking out the garbage and scrubbing the bathroom floor may not seem romantic, but it can be his way of showing you he cares: by helping you out and trying to make your life easier. He's not ironing your work pants because he likes to; he's doing it because he wants to make you happy.

3. He Asks for Your Help
Whether he wants your input on a blowout with his boss, or asks you to tag along and help him pick out a birthday present for his mom, he's asking for your opinion because he respects you and cares what you think, a sure sign he's smitten.

4. He Loves PDA 
Alright, sometimes you can do without his groping in the cereal aisle at the supermarket, but take it as a compliment that he can't keep his hands off you. He's proud to call you his and to show you off, and sometimes there's no better way to show his appreciation than to give you a little squeeze!

5. He Chooses the Perfect Gift
Don't worry if his gifts are duds, but if he consistently hits it out of the park with his present shopping skills, take it as a compliment: he's not only a good listener, he's also thoughtful…and willing to spend hours searching for exactly the right thing.

6. He Introduces You to His Family
You can bet that as soon as he introduces a girlfriend to his mother, she'll be on his case about grandchildren. So if he's getting the two of you together, he knows what he's getting himself into and that there might be a future with you.

7. He Makes You Part of His Inner Circle
Folding you into his circle is more than just introducing you to his friends. A man who's gaga over you and can see a future will make an effort to make you part of his life. If he's scheduling standing double dates with his coupled friends and inviting you to his weekly drinking night with his friends, he wants you to stick around for a while.

8. He Makes Himself a Part of Your Life
If he's joining you for your boring Sunday morning errands and cuddling up on the couch with you with your and your roomies forGossip Girl every week, he's in it for the long haul.

Creative and amusing custom designed sneakers

Daniel Reese or how he calls himself “Sneaker Freaker” is 21 years old designer of these unusual and unique sneakers. He is taking plain Nike shoes and turning them into playful part of your outfit.

Video games

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Justice League
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vendeta-sneakersV for Vendetta
reservoir-dogsReservoir Dogs
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